Talks to avert bus strike adjourned

TALKS AIMED at averting a threatened strike at Bus Éireann over the introduction of controversial cost-saving proposals have …

TALKS AIMED at averting a threatened strike at Bus Éireann over the introduction of controversial cost-saving proposals have been adjourned and will continue later this month.

Siptu sector organiser Andrew McCarthy said that little progress had been made in discussions held at the Labour Relations Commission yesterday.

“We are to meet again on July 13th when it is hoped more progress can be made on the substantive issues, now that the problems over probationary drivers have been resolved,” he said.

Bus Éireann said earlier this week that it was to offer permanent positions to 46 drivers whose probationary period had expired.


This had been one of the main stumbling blocks in previous direct negotiations between management and unions over the introduction of its cost-containment plan.

As part of its cost-containment proposals, the company had planned to lay off 320 staff, including 220 drivers, to scrap or to reduce scheduling frequency on about 50 routes, and to introduce new terms and conditions.

Bus Éireann has said that, in the absence of the implementation of its cost-containment measures, it would lose €30 million this year.

Strike action threatened by staff is suspended pending the outcome of the current talks.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.