Talks continue over dispute at Radio Ireland

TALKS will continue today between Radio Ireland and the Independent Radio and Television Commission (IRTC) to find a solution…

TALKS will continue today between Radio Ireland and the Independent Radio and Television Commission (IRTC) to find a solution to the new station's dispute between the chief executive and the chairman.

Today, the board of Radio Ireland will meet for a second time this week to discuss what progress has been made with the IRTC. The result of this meeting will then be brought to the IRTC which is meeting tomorrow for a second time this week.

It is understood that the IRTC chief executive, Mr Michael O'Keeffe, and the chairman Mr Niall Stokes, have been talking to the chairman of Radio Ireland, Mr John McColgan. The IRTC is peeking to clarify the management structures in Radio Ireland so it can decide whether the full commission can approve them.

The IRTC became aware of problems within Radio Ireland only late last week after the station's chief executive, Mr Dan Collins, had been given a week to consider his position.


Mr Collins had been approved as chief executive and programme controller of the station by the IRTC a year ago, when Radio Ireland won the national radio licence. It is due to begin broadcasting on March 17th.

Any changes at Radio Ireland have to be approved by the IRTC. At Tuesday's meeting, it is believed members of the commission were angry at not having been informed of changes in the station, especially when Radio Ireland announced that it intended to appoint an "assistant programme controller" at the recommendation of Mr James Gordan, the chairman of Scottish Radio Holdings and a 15 per cent shareholder in Radio Ireland.

While Radio Ireland will want to get the controversy of the past week behind it, it is understood that some members of the IRTC are not going to allow a rushed decision. It is possible that the IRTC will hold another meeting next week if necessary.