Suspended jail term for taxi passenger's false shouts of rape

A WOMAN who shouted "rape" when a taxi-driver, whom she had refused to pay, threatened to take her to a Garda station, was given…

A WOMAN who shouted "rape" when a taxi-driver, whom she had refused to pay, threatened to take her to a Garda station, was given suspended prison sentences at Galway District Court yesterday.

Imposing two consecutive two-month sentences on Florence Healy (26), Laurel Park, Newcastle, Galway, which he suspended for 12 months, Judge Aeneus McCarthy said anyone who made a false allegation of rape should go to prison.

Healy admitted trying to make off without paying a €13 fare, to breaching the peace, to being drunk in public and to assaulting the driver on November 23rd.

Insp Seán Glynn said the taxi- driver was nearing Healy's home when she told him she had no money to pay. He threatened to take her to a Garda station and at that point Healy started shouting "rape". The driver stopped the car and another taxi-driver, who was nearby, rang gardaí.


Healy went to leave but both drivers stopped her from doing so until gardaí arrived. She was intoxicated and abusive. She kicked the taxi-driver in the shin and punched him in the chest, the court heard.

Defence solicitor Seán O'Carroll said his client was a single mother and her child would suffer if she was jailed.

His client had not made a formal complaint of being raped, he said.

Imposing a two-month sentence for assault and a further two months for breaching the peace with the rape claim, Judge McCarthy then suspended the sentence for 12 months.