Supermodel pleads guilty to assault

British supermodel Naomi Campbell pleaded guilty today to assaulting two police officers after a disturbance on a plane at London…

British supermodel Naomi Campbell pleaded guilty today to assaulting two police officers after a disturbance on a plane at London's Heathrow airport in April.

Wearing a dark suit and sunglasses, the 38-year-old was escorted by her minders through a large scrum of reporters and photographers waiting outside Uxbridge Magistrates Court in west London.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell
Supermodel Naomi Campbell

Campbell had originally faced six charges relating to the incident on a stationary Los Angeles-bound British Airways plane.

She had complained that her bags had gone missing at the airport's recently opened Terminal 5 and police escorted her off the aircraft.


Today she pleaded guilty to four charges, a spokeswoman for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said. They included assaulting two police officers and one public order offence.

"We've accepted that plea," the CPS spokeswoman said.

Earlier Campbell's spokesman, Alan Edwards, said outside court that she conceded the incident had been "regrettable" and that she wanted to give magistrates her side of the story.

In April, British Airways was beset by problems with the check-in and baggage handling systems at the new £4.3 billion pound terminal. Hundreds of flights were cancelled and tens of thousands of bags went missing.

It is not the first time Campbell has been in trouble with the law.

She spent five days mopping floors as part of a community service sentence in New York last year after throwing a mobile phone at her housekeeper during an argument over a pair of jeans. She was also ordered to attend anger management classes.

Campbell will be sentenced later.

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