Sunniest June in 50 years

It was the sunniest June in more than 50 years in some parts of the country, according to statistics released today by Met Éireann…

It was the sunniest June in more than 50 years in some parts of the country, according to statistics released today by Met Éireann.

However, in a month of extremes June 6th was the coldest in Dublin in more than a century, a day that also saw heavy rain and strong northeasterly winds.

A freak thunderstorm on the 23rd of the month dumped about 50mm of rain on Derrybeg, Co Donegal within a three-hour period. This amount would be expected to occur once every 100 years, according to the meteorological service and caused severe flooding.

A tornado was reported near Castlerea, Co Roscommon, on June 12th.


Average temperatures in the month were between one and two degrees above normal around the country and it was the warmest June since 1970 in a number of stations.

It was more than 2 degrees warmer than average in at the Claremorris weather station in Co Mayo, while it was 1.9 degrees above average in Shannon, Co Clare.

Most weather stations recorded between six and 12 wet days during the month (days with 1mm or more rainfall) compared with the normal range for June of between nine and 15.

Sunshine totals were above normal everywhere and it was a particularly sunny month in the west and north, where some stations had their sunniest June since 1957, Met Éireann said.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times