Substitute list placing may not decide Higgins's replacement

MEPs : THE SOCIALIST Party said yesterday no decision has been taken as to which of its substitute members would fill Joe Higgins…

MEPs: THE SOCIALIST Party said yesterday no decision has been taken as to which of its substitute members would fill Joe Higgins's seat in the European Parliament.

The party said it was wrong to assume that Ruth Coppinger, a councillor from Mulhuddart in west Dublin, would be co-opted to the seat by virtue of being the next available substitute on a list maintained by the parliament.

The party’s first substitute on the list was Cllr Clare Daly, who was elected to the Dáil last weekend in Dublin North. Mr Higgins was returned in Dublin West.

A spokesman said it should not be assumed that each substitute would be automatically available to fulfil the role as their circumstances may have changed since the 2009 elections. “Personal issues such as family circumstances or health can affect such a momentous decision. Individuals will need some time and space to consider the situation,” he said.


The decision would be made by the party’s national committee after consulting with the people on the substitute list, he said. The other names on the list after Ms Coppinger’s are Mick Murphy, Denis Keane and Paul Murphy. Ms Coppinger, a teacher, could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Labour confirmed yesterday that Senator Phil Prendergast would be taking up the European Parliament seat vacated by Alan Kelly after his election victory in Tipperary North. Mr Kelly’s first substitute was Arthur Spring, but he is not available since winning a Dáil seat in Kerry North. Ms Prendergast was the second substitute on the list.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.