Student 98 achieves computer course success

Ireland's oldest student, 98-year-old Sheila White, today received a certificate for completing a computer course.

Ireland's oldest student, 98-year-old Sheila White, today received a certificate for completing a computer course.

Now, at 98, I am no longer afraid of computers. I am sending and receiving emails and browsing the net regularly
Sheila White

Ms White, who will celebrate her 99th birthday in a couple of days, has been confirmed as Ireland's oldest student - and may even be the oldest woman in the world to have completed a recognised computer course.

She completed the community-based adult education computer course "Computers for the Terrified" through the Whitechurch Library in Rathfarnham, Dublin.

"I heard my children and grandchildren mention that they had booked holidays online or seen something on the internet and it bugged me," said Ms White.


"Starting off I did not know anything - the first time I opened a computer was at the class in the library and now at the end of the course I am amazed at the knowledge I have acquired."

"Now, at 98, I am no longer afraid of computers. I am sending and receiving emails and browsing the net regularly."

"I visited Durham Cathedral a few days ago. You can zoom in and get close ups of all the details. It's just like being there."

The certificate was presented to Ms White by Minister for Social Affairs Séamus Brennan today.

Mr Brennan described her as a woman of "remarkable spirit" who would serve as an inspiration to thousands of other older people who wanted to live independent lifestyles.