State's only school for blind girls to close

The State's only school for visually impaired girls has said it will do its best to provide for pupils this September if no alternative…

The State's only school for visually impaired girls has said it will do its best to provide for pupils this September if no alternative is made available.

St Mary's School for Visually Impaired Girls in Merrion, Dublin, was due to close permanently when the school term ends tomorrow.

The school said it had agreed with the Department of Education in December 2001 that its pupils would be accommodated at two special schools in Drumcondra which currently cater for boys only.

However, the Drumcondra schools have written to parents of the St Mary's children to say they will not be admitting girls with a visual impairment this September.


St Mary's said that if its pupils were not admitted to the schools in Drumcondra it expects the Department will provide "a suitable alternative".

"If none is available by September 2003 we will do our best to make provision for our three primary and three post-primary students."

The Department of Education and Science said in a statement that it is working with the school and parents' representatives to identify appropriate alternative arrangements.

"The Department is determined to ensure that there will be continuity of provision for the pupils involved," the statement said. The school trustees had confirmed their commitment to maintain the existing provision pending the identification of "satisfactory alternative arrangements".

Ms Angela Kerins, chairperson of the National Disability Authority, said there was now "a crisis" in such facilities. It was "wholly unsatisfactory" the closure was taking place during the European Year for People with Disabilities and the Special Olympics, she said.