MR SPRING yesterday outlined in detail the concept of a "social guarantee" for the young, the elderly and those with disability that he first proposed at his party conference in Limerick last month.
This "social guarantee", he said, would give rights to these people "on the basis of hope and dignity and not on the basis of dependence or charity". The party manifesto lists the rights the party would give to each category.
"Where young people are concerned our ambitious aim is to ensure that 100 per cent of them complete second-level education," it says. The options open to them then should include going on to third level, taking up training, getting paid employment, becoming self-employed or working in the community for pay.
"We don't want to see any more young people leaving school and going straight on to unemployment assistance especially leaving school with no qualification." As the social guarantee came into operation for people aged 18 to 21, the age limit for unemployment assistance would be raised.
For older people, the "social guarantee" would aim to ensure:
. Counselling and retirement preparation services are readily available.
. Accommodation needs are fully met.
. No elderly person would be forced to live in isolation from the community.
. No elderly person would live in fear, or be forced to hide modest assets through fear of excessive claw-back by the State.
. Illness would not lead to the elimination of life savings.
. Recovery from illness would be supported, at home when possible or through decent recuperation facilities.
. A Minister of State would be appointed to the Departments of Equality and Law Reform, Health and Social Welfare in the next government, with specific responsibility for further developing the social guarantee for older people.
For people with disabilities, it would seek to ensure that, from the moment of birth, diagnosis or onset of the disability, the following services would be guaranteed:
. Diagnosis and assessment.
. Counselling (including counselling for carers where necessary).
. A full range of medical services as required.
. Education and training based on the right of the individual to aspire to his or her full potential, and to live and work in mainstream society.
. Open, supported or sheltered employment as appropriate, in a decent environment and within reasonable access of home.
. Residential care when needed, and the guarantee of a home life in proper and supportive surroundings.
. Respite care when required.
. Accessible public transport.