Some Leinster House smokers not happy with their new outdoor 'cage'

A new outdoor shelter for smokers at Leinster House has provoked a mixed reaction from TDs who are addicted to the tobacco habit…

A new outdoor shelter for smokers at Leinster House has provoked a mixed reaction from TDs who are addicted to the tobacco habit.

The structure, which is due to be completed next week, has been installed by the Office of Public Works (OPW) at the request of members and staff of the Houses of the Oireachtas.

When complete, it will be slightly larger than a bus shelter. The glass-roofed structure is made of vertical black metal bars and will have wooden benches.

But the effort to accommodate smokers is not to everyone's taste.


The Independent TD, Mr Finian McGrath, says he is "not a happy camper".

The Dublin North Central deputy described the structure as a "cage" and said he was disappointed, adding that "it is demeaning for us smoking addicts in the Dáil. It is very degrading for people who are really, really cheesed off that they have to go outdoors."

The deputy claims that there will be a loss of productivity of 20 to 30 minutes in the working day if people go for a smoke four or five times a day outdoors.

The inveterate smoker is still demanding a "warm, well-ventilated room" within the building for smokers.

He believes that the shelter might be all right at the moment but "come December people will freeze".

However, the South Tipperary TD, Mr Noel Davern, says he will wear his long-johns to cope with the cold. "So long as I can get my fix without getting wet, it'll keep me happy," says the Fianna Fáil deputy.

However, the smoking ban appears to be having its effect on some deputies. Mr Martin Brady, the Fianna Fáil TD for Dublin North East, says he has cut back his daily tobacco intake by 50 per cent. The 20-a-day man said yesterday: "I'm thinking of packing them in altogether. It's now a very unsocial habit and it's considered very rude if you leave company to go outside and have a smoke."

And while he says "a couple of heaters" would not go astray in the new shelter, Mr Brady says: "It really doesn't bother me too much. It wouldn't be the most important thing in my life" having to smoke outdoors.

It has been suggested that other Government Departments will soon have a similar structure, but according to the OPW no requests have been received.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times