Young homeless woman dies in Dublin hostel

Body of woman in her late 20s found at emergency accommodation

Phoenix Lodge. Photograph: Google Street View

A young homeless woman has died “tragically” in emergency accommodation in Dublin.

In a statement to The Irish Times a Garda spokesman said: "Gardaí were called to the scene of a sudden death of a female in her late 20s that occurred at approximately 5pm at Parkgate Street, Dublin 8 on Wednesday, January 15th. A file will be prepared for the Coroner's Court"

It is understood the woman's body was found in her room at the Phoenix Lodge hostel, also known as Judge Darley's, where she had been placed by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE). DRHE staff were in attendance following the discovery.

The Phoenix Lodge, when contacted, said it could “not say anything” about the incident.


A spokeswoman said: “The DRHE, on behalf of the four Dublin local authorities, would like to express its condolences to the family and friends of the individual, who tragically passed away yesterday evening Wednesday, January 15th in a facility that provides 24-hour emergency accommodation to people experiencing homelessness. The gardaí and DRHE staff were in attendance.”

Councillor Anthony Flynn, chief executive of Inner City Helping Homeless, said he was "saddened" to hear of the woman's death.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the deceased woman and her family this morning, and the hostel staff that were present last night.

“We are putting people into inhumane conditions at the most vulnerable time of their life. People deserve dignity and stability, but the current system, in spite of staff trying their best in difficult circumstances, is simply unfit for purpose. We cannot continue to compound people’s suffering at the most vulnerable time in their life.”

The news comes as a homeless man, injured when the tent in which he was sleeping was lifted by a utility vehicle, continues to recover in hospital. He is said to have sustained serious injuries during a "clean up" along the Grand Canal by Waterways Ireland. A vehicle with a mechanical claw lifted the tent which had been verbally checked but not opened by DRHE outreach staff beforehand.

He was taken from the scene by ambulance to St Vincent's Hospital. Four investigations are now under way into the incident – by gardaí, the Health and Safety Authority as it was a workplace incident, the DRHE and Waterways Ireland.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times