Landmarks to light up green to remind people Samaritans are available

Dublin’s Convention Centre, Kilkenny Castle, the Rock of Cashel among 70 taking part

‘Christmas is a time when, despite all the hype, some people feel more alone and isolated than ever.’ Photograph: iStock

Landmarks across the country will be lit up in green for the Winter Solstice on Tuesday night and to remind people the Samaritans are available right through Christmas.

Dublin's Convention Centre, Kilkenny Castle, The Rock of Cashel, Stormont buildings in Belfast, Cork's City Hall, and the US Embassy will be among more than 70 landmarks and buildings lighting up in green to mark Samaritans "longest night".

Dorothy Ring, who has volunteered on Christmas Day for the last 10 years, said: "Christmas is a time when, despite all the hype, some people feel more alone and isolated than ever. I cannot stress how wonderful it is to be able to connect and empathise for even a small amount of time to help someone get through their day".

Niall Mulligan, executive director for Samaritans Ireland, thanked Samaritans volunteers for being there for callers throughout 2021, as well as over Christmas.


“Because of the dedication of our volunteers, many people will have someone to talk to if they’re feeling lonely or upset over Christmas,” he added.

Samaritans volunteers answered almost 35,000 calls last December and the charity says it is concerned about increasing loneliness and isolation.

The Samaritans can be reached on freephone 116 123 or by email at

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times