Sligo-Leitrim against abortion changes - poll

A majority of Sligo-Leitrim constituents will vote against the proposed changes in the forthcoming abortion referendum, according…

A majority of Sligo-Leitrim constituents will vote against the proposed changes in the forthcoming abortion referendum, according to a TG4/MRBI opinion poll.

The poll predicted 34 per cent of people would vote against the proposals with 31 per cent voting in favour. Of the remainder, 8 per cent signalled they would not vote, and 28 per cent said they did not know.

The No-vote was most prevalent among the over 65s with 40 per cent indicating they would vote No.

Of those in the 25-34 age group, 37 per cent were against the changes along with 35 per cent of those in the 35-49 bracket.


Sligo voters outnumbered their Leitrim counterparts by a margin of 3-to-2 among those favouring the Government proposals on abortion.

The Yes-vote was more heavily concentrated in urban areas (43 per cent compared to 27 per cent rural). The highest level of support was among Sligo town voters at 44 per cent and among upper income groups at 39 per cent.

The Government is expected to hold a referendum on the change to the Constitution sometime after February of next year.

If carried, the change will forbid, in the Minister for Health Mr Martin's words, "any intervention which could or would result in the death of the unborn child, other than where the mother's life is at risk from a medical condition, excluding a risk of suicide."

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times