Six tested for anthrax at KFOR base

Six people were tested for anthrax contamination after a letter containing a suspect substance was intercepted at offices of …

Six people were tested for anthrax contamination after a letter containing a suspect substance was intercepted at offices of the Kosovo peacekeeping force KFOR, a NATO spokesman said.

The envelope, which bore a Chinese postmark and a fictitious address, was addressed to "Paolo Rossi" - the name of a former Italian soccer player -- of the "German contingent, army of the UN" at the Macedonia base.

Once it was established that the address did not exist, the area in which the unopened letter - which arrived Wednesday - had been found was disinfected, a spokesman said.

Five soldiers and the courier who had been in contact with the letter were given antibiotic treatment.


"We do not see any danger for people outside. We certainly hope it's a joke," the spokesman said.

The letter, meanwhile, has been sent to a laboratory for tests, the results of which will be known within five days.