Six held as Chinese man is fatally stabbed in Dublin

Gardaí have launched a murder investigation after a Chinese man was fatally stabbed and two others were injured in a row outside…

Gardaí have launched a murder investigation after a Chinese man was fatally stabbed and two others were injured in a row outside a central Dublin nightclub early this morning.

Garda forensic teams at work at a murder scene at the top of O'Connell Street, Dublin Photograph: PA

Six men have been arrested.

It is understood a fight broke out between two rival gangs at around 1.30 a.m. outside a pub on Parnell Street, where members of the Chinese community had been attending a cultural event. A Garda spokesman said about 50 people were involved in the fracas.

The dead man, who reportedly had his throat slit, died on a pavement outside the Rotunda Hospital.


The injured men were hurt on the corner of O'Connell St and Cathal Brugha St.

Some of the weapons recovered by gardaí Photograph: PA

One of the injured men is being treated in the Mater Hospital, while the other was brought to St James's with serious head injuries.

The six men who were arrested are being held at Store Street Garda Station on suspicion of various offences including possession of offensive weapons and breaches of immigration law, a Garda spokesman said.

The scene has been preserved for technical examination and a post mortem will be carried out later today.

A large number of weapons, including kitchen knives, meat cleavers and a pistol, were recovered by gardaí and displayed to the media at Pearse Street station.

Detectives said that many of the knives, available only through specialist kitchen equipment outlets, are new and have asked for assistance from shopkeepers who may have sold such items recently.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times