Sinn Fein warns Government of potential new split in the IRA

The Sinn Fein leadership has informed the Government of the potential danger of a further split in the IRA.

The Sinn Fein leadership has informed the Government of the potential danger of a further split in the IRA.

At a meeting with Government representatives about three weeks ago, Sinn Fein expressed concern about "discontent" within the republican movement.

The party's leadership told Government representatives that discussions were going on within the movement.

Different views were being aired and the movement was in danger of going in different directions.


Government sources have confirmed that the potential danger of another split has been suggested by Sinn Fein since the end of last year.

Decommissioning was not given as the principal reason for the instability in the movement, according to Government sources.

Meanwhile, responding to a report in yesterday's Evening Herald which said the IRA was preparing to return to violence if the peace process collapsed at the end of this month, the Government spokesman said it was the practice of the Taoiseach not to comment on speculation about paramilitary organisations.

Government sources noted that Sinn Fein had dismissed the report.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011