Several new judges to be named by Government next year

The Government will appoint a number of new judges to the High and Circuit Court benches in the new year

The Government will appoint a number of new judges to the High and Circuit Court benches in the new year. A new President of the Circuit Court will be named as a matter of some urgency, following the death of the outgoing President, Judge Frank Spain, a few days before Christmas.

Mr Justice Frederick Morris will take up the post of President of the High Court on Thursday, following the early retirement of Mr Justice Declan Costello.

The elevation of Mr Justice Morris, the filling of one vacancy and the creation of positions for two new judges of the High Court in legislation before the Dail will call for the promotion of up to four High Court judges.

Mr Justice Brian Walsh is due to retire as a judge of the European Court of Human Rights later in 1998. There are moves to change the nature of the court and allocate a full-time judge to it in its next term.


This will create a much-coveted vacancy to be filled by the Fianna Fail/PD Government.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011