Senator criticised for remarks on trial

The Progressive Democrats have roundly condemned Fianna Fáil Senator, Ms Mary White, after she called on the Government to pressure…

The Progressive Democrats have roundly condemned Fianna Fáil Senator, Ms Mary White, after she called on the Government to pressure the Colombian authorities to stop the trial of three Irish men in Columbia.

On Friday, Ms White called the Bogota trial of Mr James Monaghan, Mr Niall Connolly and Mr Martin McCauley on charges that they have helped the FARC guerrilla movement a "sham and a farce".

Speaking from Bogota, where she is observing the trial, Ms White urged the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, to intervene directly with his Colombian counterpart, Mr Fernandez de Soto.

Her intervention provoked a strong statement from Progressive Democrats Dún Laoghaire TD Ms Fiona O'Malley, who said she was appalled that a member of the Oireachtas would try to interfere in the judicial process of another country.


"It is highly ironic that Senator White is looking for the involvement of the Minister in this case where three people were caught travelling on false Irish passports. They showed absolute contempt and disrespect for the integrity of this State by using falsified documents.

"Now, ironically, they are looking for the protection of that same State they effectively snubbed," said Ms O'Malley, whose father, Des has been bitterly critical of the three men and of Sinn Féin's relationship to them.

Last night, however, Ms O'Malley received formal support for her criticisms of Ms White from the chairman of the Progressive Democrat Parliamentary Party, Senator John Minihan: "I fully endorse the views expressed by Fiona. It is deeply ironic when individuals who are caught trying to pass off forged Irish passports are now calling on the Government here to intervene on their behalf.

"This case is being monitored by the Irish Government and appropriate consular help is being provided.

"As much as Senator White might like us to we can't flout international law and attempt to interfere in another jurisidiction," said Mr Minihan, who sits on the same benches as Senator White in the Seanad.

The Bogota trial last week heard evidence from a Colombian man, who claimed to have driven Mr Monaghan to a number of meetings where FARC guerrillas were given training about constructing mortar bombs.

The case has been suspended until March.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times