Search for Naval Service man off Cork

The search for a Naval Service crewman off the Co Cork coast resumed at first light today.

The search for a Naval Service crewman off the Co Cork coast resumed at first light today.

The sailor, 36-year-old Petty Officer cook T.J. Doyle, was last seen at 8.20 a.m. on Saturday, just before the vessel he was serving on, the LE Roisinwas due to dock in Cork Harbour.

Naval vessels the LE Aoife, LE Eithneand the LE Ciaraare leading the operation.An Aer Corps plane from Baldonnell has joined the search while the Ballycotton and Youghal Coast Guard Units are searching the shoreline.

Mr Doyle is married with two children aged eight and 10 years.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times