Search for fisherman called off as body found

A search for a fisherman missing off the Co Donegal coast has been ended after a body was discovered near Glengad Head this afternoon…

A search for a fisherman missing off the Co Donegal coast has been ended after a body was discovered near Glengad Head this afternoon.

The search had been called after a local fisherman's boat failed to return at the expected time last night.  A body was discovered at 1.15 p.m. today, but it has not formally been identified as that of the fisherman, a local man in his thirties.

The coastguard service at Malin Head received a report at around 8.40 p.m. last night that the man had failed to return after checking on his fishing plots.

He had left Portaleen Harbour, near Culdaff bay, at around 5.30 p.m.  No one else was aboard the boat.


The blue fishing boat was discovered underwater at Culdaff Bay shortly before 8 a.m.

Life boats from Portrush and Lough Swilly and the coastguard helicopter from Dublin assisted in the search.