Samaritans' campaign alerts farmers to service

The Samaritans have launched an emergency awareness-raising campaign aimed at farmers and farm workers affected by the foot-and…

The Samaritans have launched an emergency awareness-raising campaign aimed at farmers and farm workers affected by the foot-and-mouth crisis.

The campaign seeks to highlight the organisation's local and national helpline services, and other means of assistance, for people feeling isolated or suffering stress through the economic slowdown.

Newspaper and television ads are to be placed in the national and local media in the coming weeks with an emphasis on reaching those worst affected.

Mr Paul O'Hare of the Samaritans noted that recent research from the North Eastern Health Board showed help was needed a few months after a crisis or tragedy more than at the time of its occurrence.


As part of the campaign members of the public are invited to post messages of support to the rural community on the organisation's website at

The Samaritans national helpline number is 1850-609090.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column