Safety week focuses on construction accidents

Some 1,200 lives are lost in Europe every year in the construction sector - twice the average of other sectors, according to …

Some 1,200 lives are lost in Europe every year in the construction sector - twice the average of other sectors, according to a European safety body.

Today marks the beginning of European Week for Safety and Health at Work, with a major focus on the construction industry.

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work said the campaign had been designed to help all those in the industry to build a "safer, healthier and more productive" working environment. The event runs from today until Friday.

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has unveiled its own campaign to coincide with European safety week.


According to the HSA, some 13 workers out of 100,000 in the construction sector will be injured at work, compared to five in other sectors.

"This year hundreds of thousands of workers will be injured on construction sites across Europe, many seriously," the HSAI says.

"Hundreds more will suffer fatal accidents. This week is the biggest safety and health event of its kind and the HSA are encouraging all interested parties in the construction sector to get involved.

"Whether you're a construction company, client, architect, building worker or supplier to the industry, your involvement can save lives, suffering and even money."