About 200 delegates are expected to attend Republican Sinn Fein's ardfheis at the weekend in Dublin, where they will be asked to condemn the Stormont talks, the British government, and the leadership of the Provisional IRA and Sinn Fein.
A total of 89 motions will be discussed at the conference, which will be addressed by the party's president, Mr Ruairi O Bradaigh, on Sunday. Mr O Bradaigh led the group which walked out of the 1986 Sinn Fein ardfeis after the ending of abstentionism for elections in the Republic.
RSF remained out of the public spotlight until the first IRA ceasefire in 1994, when it started attracting elements disillusioned with the Provisional IRA. It is opposed to the peace process, saying it will copper-fasten partition.
The ard comhairle will ask delegates to agree to a No campaign in the referendums which the British and Irish governments are expected to hold, to seek endorsement for any proposed settlement. The referendum in the North could see unionists and dissident republicans combining to vote against the proposed settlement.
One resolution urges grassroots Provisionals who have been "misled" to join "with us to work for a declaration of intent from the British government to leave Ireland forever".
Another motion condemns the Bogside Residents' Association in Derry for "pandering to the fascist parades of Orangemen and Apprentice Boys" and demands their replacement with a "truly representative body".
There are no resolutions offering support to the Continuity IRA, which security sources say is Republican Sinn Fein's armed wing - a claim the party denies. Last week, the CIRA bombed British government offices in Derry.