From Yazoo to the Other Two, boy/ girl electropop duos have become part of the rock 'n' roll landscape, but Stereolab are a cut…

From Yazoo to the Other Two, boy/ girl electropop duos have become part of the rock 'n' roll landscape, but Stereolab are a cut above the usual bleepy partnerships. Formed by Englishman Tim Gane and his Parisian girlfriend, Laetitia Sadier, in 1991, Stereolab have established themselves as major cult artists, thanks to their own eclectic influences (Velvet Underground, John Cage and Krautrock to name but three) and the influence they have had on a whole new series of post-modern pop acts. Albums such as Emperor Tomato Ketchup and The Group Played Space Age Bachelor Pad Music showcase Laetitia's husky, seductive tones. Their live show will feature a full band line-up, plus previews of their forthcoming 10th album, due out in August.

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney is an Irish Times journalist