Robbery boosts the value of Christmas collection

The Rector of St Iberius Church, Wexford, who was robbed of his collection box outside the church last Monday, has told gardai…

The Rector of St Iberius Church, Wexford, who was robbed of his collection box outside the church last Monday, has told gardai he knows the identity of his attacker.

Canon Norman Ruddock has for the past six years spent the three days before Christmas fasting outside his church in Wexford town. As he collected donations this year, however, a thief ran up, snatched his bucket containing a "few hundred pounds" and made off. "I ran after him but I had a heavy coat on and he got away," Canon Ruddock told The Irish Times, adding: "He is a local lad, a wellknown criminal."

However, Canon Ruddock - and the various charities for which he collects - managed to turn the incident to good account. He explained: "I was approached by several people who wanted to help me and wanted to make up the loss. One man asked me how much was taken and I replied about £200. He immediately wrote me a cheque for £500."

In the days after the robbery the story was taken up by local radio and Canon Ruddock was visited by further well-wishers, who also wanted to contribute to the fast. The result was a record collection, with almost £4,500 donated during the three-day fast - approximately £1,500 more than previous years.


The only ill-effect he suffered was the worsening of a slight cold, which could not really be attributed to the robbery, said Canon Ruddock.

Indeed, such was the success of the fast that his wife, Jean, who collects alongside her husband - this time for the hospice movement - said she "will have to consider being robbed next year".

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist