Roast Rabbitte

RECENTLY Pat Rabbitte called FF Justice spokesman John O'Donoghue The Bull McCabe

RECENTLY Pat Rabbitte called FF Justice spokesman John O'Donoghue The Bull McCabe. During discussion on the Criminal Justice Bill in the Dail on Thursday, the Kerry deputy had his revenge. "Chief amongst the Trappists of this Government is Minister Rabbitte. He is the Quiet Man of the Rainbow - sent, out to advance the `tis alright, don't worry' school of jurisprudence. In the absence of a policy, he prefers to pretend there is no problem. The sonorous snorings of Rip Van Rabbitte on the issue of criminal law reform have become an anthem of inactivity readily adopted by the Rainbow... Deputy Rabbitte no longer stands for action; he now depicts still-life. I ask the question: Who framed Deputy