Recycling continues across State

Christmas trees can still be left for recycling at hundreds of sites throughout the State.

Christmas trees can still be left for recycling at hundreds of sites throughout the State.

This year all local authorities are providing a free Christmas tree disposal service, with most centres remaining open until later this month.

After that people can bring trees to permanent green waste recycling centres in their local authority area.

For the past week, South Dublin County Council has been operating a new pilot scheme for the recycling of Christmas trees from houses in urban areas in the county.


Householders were invited to place their tree outside their house for collection by the Parks Development staff on the same day that their normal refuse bins are collected.

The scheme ends today, although householders who were unable to avail of the service may bring their tree to the council's green waste recycling centre at Esker, Lucan, where it can be left for recycling free of charge.

Elsewhere in the capital, centres in Fingal will close tomorrow, while those in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and Dublin city remain open until January 15th and 20th respectively.

In Cork city, trees can be deposited for shredding until January 31st, when centres in Laois and Sligo will also close.

Several local authorities have not specified a date on which their centres will close.

Repak, a voluntary initiative between industry and the Department of the Environment designed to meet industry's obligations under the EU directive on packaging and packaging waste, said the Christmas and New Year holidays led to a "waste packaging mountain".

It estimated that each household generated about 60kg of used packaging over the period, and aims to collect and recycle 40 per cent of this.

Last year Repak recycled nearly 29,000 tonnes of used packaging - 67 per cent more than the previous year - and encouraged the public to recycle extra waste that accumulated over the past month.

Ruadhán Mac Cormaic

Ruadhán Mac Cormaic

Ruadhán Mac Cormaic is the Editor of The Irish Times