Pupil returns from school being investigated

THE Department of Education is carrying out an investigation into records of pupil numbers at Ireland's largest school, Carndonagh…

THE Department of Education is carrying out an investigation into records of pupil numbers at Ireland's largest school, Carndonagh Community School, Co Donegal.

An error in the returns from the school for the year 1994/95 resulted in numbers being overstated by 35 pupils, which has since been corrected. The Department is currently cross checking the school's returns for 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1993/94, for which no roll books were kept.

This investigation, described by a Department spokesman as "a mammoth task" began six months ago but is not yet completed. It was undertaken after the Department received a complaint last year from three individual members of the management board.

The enrolment figures determines the capitation grant and the number of teachers a school is allocated.


In March 1995, the principal, Mr Brian Mullins, notified the Department of the error in the 1994/95 returns.

"Following inquiries with the principal, the Department is satisfied that the overstatement resulted from the inadequate checking of the return by him and steps will be taken to prevent a recurrence," a statement from the Department said.

Mr Mullins, the former Dublin GAA captain, confirmed earlier this week that there had been an error in the 1994/95 returns, which had been corrected.

"Subsequently, the three board members made their complaint to the Department for the pupil returns for the years 1991/92 to 1994/95 inclusive.

However, the Department said an examination of the roll books for 1994/95 unearthed only "negligible" discrepancies and the school's returns were verified at 1,624 pupils.

The Department said this examination had shown the complaint about pupil numbers was "without substance" for this year. The exercise had also shown the pupil listings on which the three members based their complaints were "unreliable" and could not be used to investigate the pupil numbers of previous years.

According to the Department, 1993/94 was the first year roll books were kept at Carndonagh since the appointment of Mrs. Mullins as principal in 1991. Mr Mullins is manager of the Derry football team.

In the absence of roll books before 1993, the Department decided to carry out a detailed cross checking of pupils returns with listings of pupils who sat the Junior and Leaving Cert exams in those years. This exercise, which will make allowances for pupils who left early, involves more than 2,500 students.

Mr Mullins said he did not know if the Department was checking any records he had sought information on this from the Department.

The investigation is the latest of a series of disputes at the school. On earlier occasions, the three board members - Mr Seamus O'Donnell, Ms Ann McNicholl, and Mr John H. McLaughlin made formal complaints to the Teachers' Union of Ireland about financial management in the school, and the amount of information provided to board members.

However, the Department said it was satisfied with the management of the school and the ability of the board to address "what is largely a dispute between members of a board of management".

Many of the allegations were examined in the course of a grievance procedure conducted by the TUI last year. This concluded with an eight point resolution of the grievance agreed by the board and the union.

Under this, it was agreed that extracts of the accounts would be. circulated in advance of board, meetings, representatives of the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools would be available to attend meetings, and details of existing accounts would be provided to the board.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.