Programme of mission outreach to be launched

In most of the congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland tomorrow at morning and/or evening services, LIFE 2, a programme…

In most of the congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland tomorrow at morning and/or evening services, LIFE 2, a programme of mission outreach, will be launched. A number of the church's 21 presbyteries will hold evening rallies. The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Right Rev Dr John Dixon, will participate in the launching in Monaghan.

It was commented recently in Presbyterian circles that "every major denomination in Ireland is declining". While not unmindful of the great injunction to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt: 28v18), it is the decline that is uppermost, persuading organisers of LIFE 2 that a re-examination of our cultural context is necessary to determine the strategies needed to arrest ubiquitous declines, and most effectively proclaim the gospel at this time.

Careful planning over a considerable period has preceded the launching. LIFE 2 manual has gone out to ministers and others in every congregation. In this the emphasis has been on prayer, nurture, Bible study, discipling, church planting and multi-faceted approaches in outreach. Feedback has indicated that careful study of the manual has awakened a fresh awareness of what God may do in and through Presbyterians in Ireland today.

Responses from congregations during the preparation for Operation Andrew (he brought Peter to Jesus, John: Ivv35-44) and Prayer Triples have pleased the organisers of LIFE 2. For example, it is reported that 1,500 will pray for friends and seek to bring them to LIFE 2 events in the local congregation.


Outreach through LIFE 2 is intended not only for church members. It is intended also for any within the bounds of congregations who appear to have no commitment to Jesus Christ and the church. It his hoped that LIFE 2 will not end in June 1999, but rather continue in perennial ongoing work of evangelism in the local congregations.

A committee of five committed Christian ladies from different evangelical backgrounds seeks to organise a Conference for Christian Women and their neighbours in the Dublin area on October 3rd in Carrig Eden, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, from 10 a.m.-5.30 p.m. The theme is "Image - How do I look? How do I live?". The Conference fee is £18.50. This including a light lunch and tea. Essential pre-booking with a non-refundable £5 deposit may be made to: Ms Liz Hughes, 8 Church Grove, Tallaght, Dublin 24. (Tel: 4596981).

The speaker is Ms Merial Pinkerton, a graduate of the Queen's University, Belfast. As a trained nurse, she has specialised in the care of cancer patients. After her career as a nurse teacher, she attended Belfast Bible College and afterwards served with evangelical ministries in Belfast. She is a trained counsellor and at present lives in Cheshire and works with the River of Life Trust.

Morning service will be broadcast by RTE from Arklow Presbyterian Church on September 27th at 10.45-11.30 a.m. The Rev James Carson will conduct the service and preach.

People aged 21 years and over in search of volunteer opportunities might consider service at the Lucan Youth Centre. Volunteers will live and work on the site for a period of one year, starting September 1998. Team members will receive free board and accommodation and a weekly allowance. Those interested should contact: Ian Scott, The Lucan Youth Centre, Lucan, Co. Dublin.