Priest's role in peace process recognised

The North's unionists are "the greatest asset Ireland has", peace campaigner Fr Alec Reid has said

The North's unionists are "the greatest asset Ireland has", peace campaigner Fr Alec Reid has said. They could also become "one of the great communities of Europe", he added, "but the problem is they're terrified and isolated, and they believe that giving equality to nationalists will mean losing it themselves."

Fr Reid was was declared Tipperary Person of the Year last night. He was honoured for his long-time involvement in the Northern Ireland peace process and for his more recent work in Spain, where he has been helping towards a peaceful solution to the Basque conflict.

The Clonard missionary said that although he was frustrated by long delays in establishing the North's institutions, he was optimistic that the autumn deadline imposed by both governments would be met.

He believed Dr Ian Paisley genuinely wanted an agreement and that, in his own way, he was preparing his party's supporters for an eventual deal.


He foresaw unionists becoming "the driving force" in a new, agreed Ireland.

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary