President expected to serve her full term of office

THE President, Mrs Robinson is expected to remain in office until the completion of her presidential term if, as expected, she…

THE President, Mrs Robinson is expected to remain in office until the completion of her presidential term if, as expected, she is appointed United Nations Human Rights Commissioner.

A spokeswoman for the President said yesterday that speculation about the starting date was premature because Mrs Robinson "had not been offered the job though she had reiterated her interest in it".

Mrs Robinson is now widely expected to be appointed to the post after her main rival, Ms Sonia PicadoSotela, indicated three days ago that she did not now expect to get the job. President Robinson met the UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Annan, in New York on May 23rd last and they are understood to have discussed her interest in the post.

The post of High Commissioner has been vacant since March, when the incumbent, Mr Jose AyaloLasso, returned to Ecuador to become foreign minister. The post is currently being filled on an interim basis by Mr Ralph Zacklin. He has confirmed that he has no interest in taking on the job permanently, but is understood to be willing to remain until a replacement is found. It is understood that, should Mrs Robinson be appointed, Mr Zacklin's availability would reduce pressure on her.


Speaking yesterday in Cork at the National Sculpture Factory she opened in 1991, Mrs Robinson declined to comment about her future. Joking about working on the Bank Holiday weekend, she said that she was willing to answer reporters' questions - but only ones relating to the workings of the sculpture factory.