Astana - A visibly weary Pope John Paul II called for religious tolerance yesterday and stressed the Catholic Church's respect for Islam following the attacks in the US.
"I wish to reaffirm the Catholic Church's respect for Islam, for authentic Islam: The Islam that prays, that is concerned for those in need," he said during his third day in the capital of Kazakhstan,
"Hatred, fanaticism and terrorism profane the name of God and disfigure the true image of Man," he said. The 81-year-old Pope has expressed his sorrow over the US tragedy, but has called for open dialogue rather than the use of arms.
"Recalling the errors of the past, including the most recent past, all believers ought to unite their efforts to ensure that God is never made the hostage of human ambitions," the Pope told representatives of culture, science and the arts.
"We must not let what has happened lead to a deepening of division," the Pope said after celebrating Mass before a mixed congregation of ethnic groups.