Tralee mayor resigns from FG over gender quotas

Pat Hussey claims female candidates being ‘pushed in’ by party

View of The Square, Tralee, Co . Kerry. Photographer: Dara Mac Dónaill 28/9/04.

The mayor of Tralee, who claimed he was discriminated against because of a gen- der quota directive in the selection of candidates for the local elections, has resigned from Fine Gael.

Women were being "pushed in" by his party and more experienced people pushed out, Pat Hussey said yesterday. Mr Hussey has been a party member for 35 years and a town councillor for 10.

Research last week by the Women for Election organisation described Kerry as a “gender black spot”. Mr Hussey yesterday said he had no problem with women joining councils, although it would be expensive for them in terms of babysitting and other arrangements. However, he did have a problem with women being imposed.