Purcell offers to be reassigned following review

Cabinet to recruit new secretary general in Department of Justice

Brian Purcell, the secretary general at the Department of Justice, has offered to be reassigned to other duties in the public service following the publication today of the review into the department.

The review follows the report by senior counsel Seán Guerin into Garda malpractice claims by Sgt Maurice McCabe, which was critical of the department.

The Cabinet will now proceed with the recruitment of Mr Purcell’s replacement.

Speaking this afternoon, Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald said the newly-appointed secretary general "would play a pivotal role in managing and embedding the recommendations of the report in the workings of the department."


She thanked Mr. Purcell for his contribution to the State including his service to the Department of Social Protection and his 23 years service in the Department of Justice and Equality, including as Director-General of the Irish Prison Service and most recently in his role as Secretary General of the Department of Justice and Equality.

She also thanked the review group for their time and effort in preparing the report and described its key findings as “serious and hard-hitting.”

She acknowledged the report found fault with leadership, management and oversight systems referring particularly to the existence of “a closed secretive and silo driven culture”, “significant leadership and management problems” and “ineffective management processes and structures to provide strong strategic oversight of the key agencies”.

“The Department of Justice and Equality must become a 21st century organisation to meet 21st century challenges. Leadership and management practices in place in the department must equally be transformed to provide an effective workforce setting in which all staff can achieve their best,” she said.

“While the findings of this report are challenging, the report is also highly constructive in that it maps-out, though its extensive recommendations, the pathways forward for the department.”

“This will require work and change at many different levels; and the contribution of many players, most importantly of the dedicated staff of the department who I look forward to working with in responding to this report.”

The report found that the department had developed a “deferential relationship with An Garda Síochána”.

Ms Fitzgerald said the planned establishment of a new Independent Policing Authority will assist in providing a valuable additional layer of transparency and public accountability between the department and gardaí.