Ahern warns Bruton against `guilt by association' attacks

The Taoiseach warned the Fine Gael leader against using a technique of "guilt by association" in his political attacks on him…

The Taoiseach warned the Fine Gael leader against using a technique of "guilt by association" in his political attacks on him.

Mr John Bruton had said it was now known that in a government of which Mr Ahern, the Minister for Defence, Mr Smith, and the Minister for Public Enterprise, Ms O'Rourke, were members, the then Taoiseach, Mr Haughey, was in receipt of vast sums of private donations from business people, Mr Flynn seemed to have kept for himself a very large sum of money, and the then minister for communications (Mr Ray Burke) was also in receipt of huge sums of money.

"We know that the Taoiseach knows all these people very well. We know that the Taoiseach, and Padraig Flynn in particular, were people working very closely together defending Charles Haughey from being removed from his job. We know that people were afraid to ask Charles Haughey about his lifestyle, indeed to ask him any questions. Nobody had the courage to ask him where was all the money coming from."

The debate had given an insight into why that had happened. "Because then, and to a great extent still, in Fianna Fail, there is a philosophy of believing that if an awkward question has to be asked, do not, for God's sake, ask it. The less you know, the less trouble you will get into."


Addressing Mr Bruton, the Taoiseach said: "I know that many times over the past few years, he has probably done a good job trying to impugn me through guilt by association. I would not do that on you. I do not think it is a good thing to do."