Irish Water chief John Tierney determined to stay in position

Board coming under increasing pressure as Enda Kenny refuses to offer his support

John Tierney: faces crucial board meeting today as his position comes under increasing pressure. Photograph: Alan Betson
John Tierney: faces crucial board meeting today as his position comes under increasing pressure. Photograph: Alan Betson

Irish Water managing director John Tierney faces a crucial board meeting today as his position with the new semi-State company comes under increasing pressure.

The Irish Times understands that unofficial soundings have been made about Mr Tierney's position since the weekend, and ahead of a meeting of the board of Ervia, renamed from Bord Gáis, Irish Water's parent company. The Cabinet is also expected to discuss ongoing controversies around the new semi-State.

A spokeswoman for Ervia said Rose Hynes, the chairwoman, and Michael McNicholas, the chief executive, would not comment on whether they were happy with the performance of Irish Water or Mr Tierney, claiming it was standard practice not to offer such comments.

When asked last night if Taoiseach Enda Kenny had confidence in Mr Tierney and the senior management team at Irish Water, Mr Kenny’s spokesman would only say: “The issue of Irish Water will be discussed at Cabinet.”


Staying put

However, when approached for comment by The

Irish Times

, Mr Tierney insisted he fully intended to stay put. “My intention is to do the very important job I was asked to do by Ervia 18 months ago,” he said.

Mr Tierney and senior management at Irish Water, as well as its own board, have come under mounting political pressure in recent days, with suggestions of changes at the top of the company.

Mr Tierney does not officially sit on the Ervia board but it is understood he attends the meetings regularly and provides updates on the rollout of water metering and charging.

The Cabinet too will discuss Irish Water at its weekly meeting today, and it is also expected to feature at a meeting of the Economic Management Council, the four member committee comprising the Taoiseach, Tánaiste Joan Burton, Minister for Finance Michael Noonan and Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin.

When asked if Ms Burton had confidence in Mr Tierney, her spokesman said they never responded to such queries.

Minster for Transport Paschal Donohoe also declined to directly say he had confidence in Mr Tierney when asked three times on RTÉ News last night. A spokesman said Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly said would not be commenting on "individual personnel matters whatsoever".

Communication strategy

Mr Kelly, the spokesman said, had requested a number of changes, including to Irish Water’s communication strategy, which has been criticised by TDs.

Speaking in Limerick yesterday, Mr Noonan said there is a lot of controversy around Irish Water, adding: "I hope that they can work their way through the controversies in the short term rather than the medium or long term."

“There is no doubt at all that there are issues which need to be addressed, and I hope they will be addressed by Irish Water’s management, and indeed with the assistance of government.”

The boards of the former Bord Gáis, renamed Ervia, and Irish Water are to be merged into one in the coming weeks, a move which had long been planned.

Mr Kelly’s spokesman said the Irish Water element of the board would be reconstituted to make it “fit for purpose”. It is envisaged that representatives from legal, financial and other group may be included.

The spokesman also said the new board could examine the existing “payment model”, which sees staff entitled to performance-related pay.

Ervia yesterday said the same payment system applied for staff in Irish Water and Bord Gáis, part of a deal negotiated to phase out the payment of increments.