Forum to discuss use of personal data in digital economy

Minister Dara Murphy calls for dialogue on challenges and societal implications

Minister for European Affairs and Data Protection Dara Murphy said he hoped the new consultative Data Forum would contribute to “the broader societal debate on the opportunities and challenges arising from the growth of the digital economy, and the implications of greater generation and use of personal data”.

The implications of the increasing use of personal data in the digital economy will be discussed by a new consultative group being set up by the Government.

Minister of State for Data Protection Dara Murphy has called for expressions of interest for participation in a Data Forum, established by the Department of the Taoiseach.

“The continued growth of the digital economy and uptake of technology across society presents us with unique opportunities and challenges. Great advances in digital technology have brought huge benefits to society. One of the results of this progress has been a vast increase in the amount of personal data that we generate as individuals,” Mr Murphy said.

His objective, and that of the Government, was to ensure Ireland’s approach to data protection in the digital economy was ‘best in class’ globally, he said.


“Significant opportunities exist from the legitimate use of data - with potential benefits for individuals, society and the economy. A key challenge is continuing to ensure that we safeguard personal information, privacy and fundamental rights – giving individuals confidence that their personal data is protected.”

Mr Murphy, who will chair the Data Forum said it would bring together “a balance of voices from industry, civil society, academia, the legal profession and the public sector, for a focused dialogue on data privacy and the digital economy”.

He hoped it would contribute to the “broader societal debate” on the issues.

Expressions of interest should be sent by email to by Thursday, May 21st next.

Further information is available at