Fianna Faíl has advised its party members to fight the party’s corner on social media and not to “surrender”.
The party’s agenda for the annual ard fheis this weekend offers guidance on media engagement.

It says members often feel there is an anti-Fianna Faíl bias in the media and a co-ordinated campaign against the party on social media.
Whether it is a debate on Twitter or Facebook or commentary on RTÉ and TV3, members are advised to use their power to be heard.
Specifically in relation to social media, the party says it must challenge fake news and commentary.
As a party Fianna Faíl must fight hard to counter any such effort in this country, it says.
“We are regularly the subject of co-ordinated campaigns against us, and while the party centrally works to counter this, it is no substitute for the efforts of our grassroots organisation.
“If you see untrue and unfair attacks against us on social media, call it out and engage directly with those making the claims.
“Social media is also a good way to interact with national and local media broadcast programmes - if you see or hear bias or feel that the FF point of view is going unheard, tell them.”
The party then lists how members can engage with specific broadcast programmes listing their telephone number and email address.
For print media, there “is still great value in a well argued letter to the editor of our national and local newspapers”.