Dutch minister offers support to Ireland ahead of Brexit

Bert Koenders met with Charlie Flanagan in Dublin to discuss the UK’s exit from the EU

The Dutch minister for foreign affairs Bert Koenders has become the latest EU official to offer support to Ireland ahead of the UK's exit from the European Union following June's referendum result.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan met with his Dutch counterpart in Dublin on Tuesday.

Following the meeting, Mr Flanagan said the talks had focused on Brexit and the wider EU and global agendas.

“I had a very good and productive meeting with my Dutch counterpart this evening,” Mr Flanagan said in a statement.


“It was a timely opportunity, as we prepare for what will be a busy and challenging period ahead, to discuss with a key partner the implications of the UK decision to leave the EU.”


The Minister said he set out Ireland’s concerns about the potential impact of Brexit on the peace process, the Border and the Common Travel Area.

“Since the UK referendum, I have had the opportunity to set out our specific concerns to all of my EU colleagues and have found a wide degree of understanding for our position, as was again the case this evening,” Mr Flanagan said.

"My discussions with Minister Koenders also covered a range of global issues, including migration, EU relations with key partners like Turkey and Russia, and the humanitarian crisis in Syria. "

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times