Creighton issues invitations to meeting on possible new party

It would allow her take ‘guidance’ from her supporters about whether there is an appetite for a new party

Independent TD Lucinda Creighton gauges interest in the formation of a new political party. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/THE IRISH TIMES

Independent TD Lucinda Creighton has written to her supporters inviting them to a gathering next week at which the possibility of setting up a new political party will be discussed.

Ms Creighton says she sent the letter to about 150 supporters from her Dublin Bay South constituency to invite them for pre-Christmas drinks at a city-centre venue.

The letter said the event next Thursday would provide an opportunity for those interested to discuss whether there was room for a new political party to bring “honesty and integrity” back into Irish politics.

Ms Creighton said the gathering is not formal but would allow her take “guidance” from her supporters about whether there is an appetite for a new party.


“When I’m knocking on doors every night all I’m hearing is the need for a new movement, a new political party, a new politics,” she said, adding that no definite plans were in place. “It is just a constituency event.”

The meeting will not sketch out possible policy positions, Ms Creighton said.

She has spoken to other TDs and Senators about establishing a new party or "alliance" before the next general election and previously described her Reform Alliance grouping – made up of TDs and senators who lost the Fine Gael whip – as a mechanism to "work together, improve the opportunity to get speaking rights and put some items on the agenda".

While the members of the Reform Alliance have all declined to say if and when they will form a new party, one source suggested there could be moves after Christmas.

“By the time we get to Easter, things will be clear,” the source said.