Permission refused for council's green waste recycling plant

Dublin City Council was last night reconsidering aspects of its waste management plan after An Bord Pleanála refused planning…

Dublin City Council was last night reconsidering aspects of its waste management plan after An Bord Pleanála refused planning permission for the city's proposed composting and recycling plant at St Anne's Park, Raheny.

The 1.02 hectare site was earmarked by the council as the centre of its green waste shredding operations.

A purpose-designed building was to have been built and green waste would have been stored, pending transfer off site. Also proposed was a civic amenity recycling facility for dry, recyclable materials and bulky household waste.

An Bord Pleanála gave three reasons for refusal of the plan: the zoning objective of the park was to preserve open space, the Environmental Impact Statement was inadequate in that it did not properly address the suitability of the site, and the volume of traffic likely to be generated within the park and surrounding roads would be excessive.


Local residents and some city councillors who opposed the plan were jubilant.

Fine Gael councillor Mr Gerry Breen said the decision meant the current small scale waste facility at the park was illegal and might have to be closed.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist