Paisley says Hume "duped" by Sinn Fein

THE Rev Ian Paisley has claimed that the SDLP leader has been "duped" by Sinn Fein

THE Rev Ian Paisley has claimed that the SDLP leader has been "duped" by Sinn Fein. The DUP leader was yesterday dismissive of Mr John Hume's comments on Thursday that he was absolutely convinced a credible new IRA ceasefire was attainable.

Dr Paisley said Mr Hume had assured him several times after the 1994 ceasefire that it was genuine. However, the IRA had resumed bombings in London, Manchester, Lisburn and elsewhere.

How, Dr Paisley asked, could Mr Hume now credibly forecast that a renewed ceasefire would be permanent? "No one can accept that from John Hume. John Hume was duped by Gerry Adams the first time and he's been duped, by Gerry Adams a second time," said Dr Paisley. "But we are not duped. We know that the IRA are going to carry on with their bombings and killings when it suits them."

There could be no fudge on decommissioning. "There is no place at the table for people with guns at the table, under the table, or outside the door. In fact, Mr Hume now wants them in the talks with the guns pointing at the unionists," said Dr Paisley.


Mr Ken Maginnis, the Ulster Unionist Party security spokesman, said the British Prime Minister must quickly state what tests he would lay down for Sinn Fein's entry into talks, in the event of an IRA ceasefire. He did not accept Mr Hume's analysis that the IRA would declare an unequivocal ceasefire provided inclusive talks were on offer for Sinn Fein in tandem with confidence building measures.

Mr Sean Neeson, the Alliance Party chief whip, said unionist politicians were becoming too preoccupied with decommissioning. Neither it nor Thursday's bomb in Derry must be cited as reasons for preventing the talks moving to substantive issues.

The PUP spokesman, Mr David, Ervine, said he saw no evidence to suggest a renewal of the IRA ceasefire. There was posturing and manoeuvring but he saw "no dynamic for a new ceasefire".

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times