Opposition 'disappointed' at Elan job losses

The Labour Party and Fine Gael have expressed their disappointment at the news that Elan is to shed over 250 jobs in Athlone …

The Labour Party and Fine Gael have expressed their disappointment at the news that Elan is to shed over 250 jobs in Athlone and a further 80 in Dublin.

Mr Willie Penrose, Labour TD for Westmeath, said the news was "catastrophic" for Athlone and the surrounding area.

"It is another in a series of job losses to have hit the midlands area and as the live register figures continue to increase, alternative unemployment will be very difficult to find", he said. "Employment prospects for those out of a job look bleaker by the day."

"The Government should seek re-employment for those laid off as a matter of priority, for the sake of the employees and their families", he added.


Fine Gael TD for Longford/Roscommon, Mr Denis Naughten, said it was a "devastating blow" to the Midlands that will have "major repercussions" in the Athlone area.

He too called on the Tánaiste, Ms Harney to act to help the sacked workers find new jobs.

"Athlone has a strong tradition in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors and with a ready pool of employees, it must now become the No 1 priority for new industry," he said.

Ms Harney said she has been in contact with IDA Ireland to make the search for replacement employers a priority.

She has also asked FÁS to establish what training the redundant workers will need to enable them to find new jobs quickly.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times