On the web

ireland.com will be covering St Patrick's Day celebrations throughout today on its St Patrick's Festival 2000 website.

ireland.com will be covering St Patrick's Day celebrations throughout today on its St Patrick's Festival 2000 website.

The site will broadcast the parade live from Dublin in the morning, and it will be updated during the day with reports and images from the festivities.

The website also includes:

Reports from Irish Times correspondents in 18 cities and towns at home and abroad, detailing St Patrick's Day celebrations in far-flung corners of the globe;


Lists of events submitted by ireland.com readers from all over the world including the US, Australia, and even Botswana, Estonia, Nepal and Egypt, where Irish communities have planned to celebrate their national day;

Video greetings from Irish people to family and friends away from home;

The President, Mrs McAleese, and the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, have already recorded video greetings to Irish people at home and abroad;

Online polls and discussion forums on such topics as the 10 worst things about St Patrick's Day and the significance of leprechauns.

St Patrick's Festival 2000 can be accessed at: www.ireland.com/events/st.patricks/