Obama lead on McCain narrows further to 5 points

US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's lead over Republican rival John McCain has dropped to 5 percentage points…

US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's lead over Republican rival John McCain has dropped to 5 percentage points, according to a poll released today.

Mr Obama leads Mr McCain by 49 per cent to 44 per cent among likely US voters in the daily tracking poll, which has a margin of error of 2.9 points. Mr Obama's lead has dropped over the last three days after hitting a high of 12 points on Thursday, according to the Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll.

"Things are trending back for McCain. His numbers are rising and Obama's are dropping on a daily basis. There seems to be a direct correlation between this and McCain talking about the economy," pollster John Zogby said.

Mr Obama (47), took the lead in most national polls in recent weeks as the financial crisis and plunging stock market seized centre stage ahead of the November 4 election.


Mr McCain (72), appeared slow to respond to Mr Obama's financial message but in recent days has ramped up the economic themes of his own campaign. On Saturday the Arizona Republican warned voters of the dangers of what he termed a Democratic take-over in both the White House and Congress.

Obama has countered by seeking to link McCain's proposals to the policies of outgoing Republican President George W. Bush, who fares very poorly in public approval surveys.

Mr Obama's lead among voters making less than $35,000 per year remains substantial at a little over 70 percent. But Mr McCain, who had previously scored well only with the highest income brackets, now holds slight leads among voters in all income groups starting at $35,000 and above.

"You've got to think that it is tax-and-spend that concerns them. Is McCain starting to connect with the middle class?" Mr Zogby said.

Mr Obama still had solid, if slightly diminished, leads among two important groups which could play pivotal roles in the November 4th election. Among independents he had a 14 point lead, down from a peak of 29 points. Women also still backed Mr Obama by a 14-point margin, down from 20 points late last week.

Mr McCain, who once had a 4-point deficit among male voters, now has a 4-point lead at 48-44 per cent. And whites back Mr McCain by a 12-point margin, up from 6 points on Friday.

Independent Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr both received support from 1 per cent of those polled, a slight dip for Mr Nader. Three per cent of the people said they remained undecided in the race.

The rolling tracking poll surveyed 1,203 likely voters in the presidential election. In a tracking poll, the most recent day's results are added, while the oldest day's results are dropped to monitor changing momentum.

The US president is determined by who wins the Electoral College, which has 538 members apportioned by population in each state and the District of Columbia. Electoral votes are allotted on a winner-take-all basis in all but two states, which divide them by congressional district.
