Nuncio criticises priests on choice of bishop

The Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, has told protesting priests from Killala diocese that the appointment of their…

The Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, has told protesting priests from Killala diocese that the appointment of their new bishop is a matter for the Pope and emphasised "the importance of accepting with faith and joy whomsoever the Holy Father chooses to send" to them.

Priests in Killala held a special meeting last June and requested a meeting with the Nuncio to express their disappointment at a lack of consultation with them about who should be their new bishop and that their choice should apparently have been ignored by the Nuncio.

The meeting took place in Dublin last June also.

It is expected the Nuncio will shortly announce who is to succeed Dr Thomas Finnegan as Bishop of Killala. Dr Finnegan (76) was due to retire last year.


At a specially convened meeting in June 1999 the Killala priests nominated Father Kevin Loftus, parish priest at Easkey, as their sole choice for bishop, though they were entitled to nominate three names.

At the meeting last June Archbishop Lazzarotto was critical of this decision by the Killala priests to nominate just one name and of "the terrible burden" it must have placed on Father Loftus.

He said such a man, if selected, would be beholden to those who supported him and could lose his freedom as bishop.

It was felt he was referring in part to priests in Killala who have made no secret of their unhappiness with the conduct of church affairs.

It was understood the Nuncio was referring to Father Kevin Hegarty and Father Brendan Hoban, editor and associate editor of CΘide magazine. Described as "a review from the margins" the magazine has been unequivocal in its criticisms of Catholic Church leadership in recent years. Both priests support Father Loftus's nomination.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times