No-confidence motion passed against DUP's Wilson

The Assembly’s Environment Committee today passed a motion of no confidence in the Northern Ireland Environment Minister for …

The Assembly’s Environment Committee today passed a motion of no confidence in the Northern Ireland Environment Minister for banning a government climate-change advert.

The DUP's Sammy Wilson came under fire after vetoing the Whitehall campaign urging people to save energy and cut carbon emissions.

An online petition calling for the DUP man’s resignation has gathered almost 1,000 signatures.

Committee member Tommy Gallagher said: “It is outrageous. It makes the minister look very small-minded at a time when there are growing concerns about the environment.”


Mr Wilson branded as “patent nonsense” and banned in Northern Ireland the advertising campaign drawn up by the Department of Energy and Climate Change in Whitehall which, he said, suggested that by switching off standby lights on TVs people could save the world.

But Mr Gallagher from the SDLP, who proposed the motion, said it was now up to the DUP to take action against their minister. The DUP was the only party to vote against his motion today.

He added: “It has just shown up Northern Ireland in a very poor light right across the UK and Europe.”

Queen's University students are to defy Mr Wilson and broadcast the climate change advert, however. Queen’s Radio is to begin playing it every hour, every day and all week starting nex Monday.