NI Parades Commission upholds Drumcree ruling

The Parades Commission has upheld its decision to ban the Portadown Orange Lodge from marching along the Garvaghy Road on Sunday…

The Parades Commission has upheld its decision to ban the Portadown Orange Lodge from marching along the Garvaghy Road on Sunday.

The Commission said it had considered further representations made to it as part of an appeal lodged by the Portadown Orange Lodge but decided this afternoon not to change its ruling.

Commission chairman Mr Tony Holland said, "I hope that both parts of the community will show tolerance of these decisions, even though they may not be universally popular for different reasons in each location. Tolerance and indeed respect are the essentials of meaningful dialogue, as more and more parades organisers and communities now realise."

Nationalist politicians have welcomed the decision.


On Sunday up to 3,000 Orangemen and their supporters are expected to march to Drumcree Church for their annual Somme commemoration service, although under the Commission ruling they are restricted from passing along Obins Street.

Following the service they will march a few hundred metres to a police barricade at Drumcree bridge to hand over a complaint at being barred from travelling their back into Portadown along the Garvaghy Road. The Commission has asked that the parade members disperse by 2.30 p.m.

The Assistant Police Service of Northern Ireland Chief Constable, Mr Stephen White is in charge of the security operation is hoping for a reduced security presence compared to previous years.

Last year’s parade was relatively quiet with little violence and the organisers of this year’s march have said they want a peaceful protest. The parade has been barred from travelling along the mainly nationalist Garvaghy Road for the last four years.

However, a large British army presence will be in reserve, he said.

The chairman of the Commission rejected a request from Portadown Orangemen to meet them at Drumcree so they could personally hand him a letter of protest.

Late last night Mr Holland said "he felt that the inevitable very brief and public nature of such a proposed meeting would be counterproductive."

Portadown Orangemen have constantly refused to meet the Parades Commission or Mr Holland directly and have only made contact through intermediaries.

The Commission also decline to change its ruling on Newtownbutler District Orange Lodge parade on the same day. This parade may proceed to and from the church on the notified route, though restricted to members of the District and the band, and with no music to be played in High Street.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times