New Galway mayor takes delivery of hybrid car

The new Green Party mayor of Galway today took delivery of his new hybrid car having turned down a Jaguar that normally comes…

The new Green Party mayor of Galway today took delivery of his new hybrid car having turned down a Jaguar that normally comes with the office.

New Galway mayor Niall Ó Brolcháin
New Galway mayor Niall Ó Brolcháin

Niall Ó'Brolcháin became Galway's first Green mayor on Monday night when a rainbow alliance of Fine Gael, Labour and the Greens elected him.

He said today that taking a Jaguar would "send out the wrong message" and so chose a Toyota Prius instead.

"I'm delighted to receive a top-of-the-range energy efficient car," he said. "It's great to know that the emissions of this car are considerably lower to anything else on the road."


Hybrid cars alternate between one petrol engine and one electric power unit and qualify for a 50 per cent reduction in vehicle registration tax.

Last week Mr O'Brolcháin also turned down the council's offer of a hybrid Lexus, the car of choice of Minister for the Environment Dick Roche and Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Noel Dempsey.

However, it has emerged that the 3.5-litre engines of the hybrid Lexus produce more emissions than luxury diesel cars or standard petrol family cars.

Mr Roche's spokesman last month defended the purchase of the Lexus, saying the cars produced up to 30 per cent less emissions than similar petrol-only cars. He said Mr Roche wanted to "set an example" on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times