Mulhall charged in canal body case

A Dublin woman has been remanded in custody on a series of new charges in relation to the death of a Kenyan man three years ago…

A Dublin woman has been remanded in custody on a series of new charges in relation to the death of a Kenyan man three years ago.

Kathleen Mulhall (52) of St Mary's Park, Carlow appeared before Dublin District Court this morning on charges relating to the death of her former boyfriend Farah Swaleh Noor (38) on March 20 th2005.

Mr Noor's dismembered and decapitated body was found in the Royal Canal near Ballybough bridge. His head has never been found.

Linda Mulhall (33), a mother of four, was found guilty in October 2006 of the manslaughter of Mr Noor. She has appealed the severity of her 15-year sentence. Her sister Charlotte (27) was found guilty of murdering Mr Noor. She has lodged an appeal against her conviction.


Kathleen Mulhall was today charged with giving false information to gardaí and others in relation to the whereabouts of Mr Noor, knowing or believing him to have been murdered by her daughters. She was also charged with withholding information in relation to securing the apprehension and prosecution of Charlotte and Linda Mulhall for the murder.

Another charge alleges that, knowing or believing her daughters to have murdered Mr Noor, Ms Mulhall concealed evidence by helping to clean up the house at Richmond Cottages where he was killed and dismembered.

Two detectives travelled to London to interview Kathleen Mulhall and she had agreed voluntarily to return to Ireland with them earlier this month. She had been living in the United Kingdom for the past number of years.

Ms Mulhall was remanded in custody to appear at court 44 on March 25 th, next Tuesday. She was granted free legal aid at a hearing earlier this month.